
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

First Nordic Ski this year

On the last day of February we finally get a significant amount of snow in Newtown to go cross country skiing. I broke out the back country skis because my regular skis were already packed for my upcoming Wyoming ski trip.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday Morning Greis-n-shine

Another later start and rather than riding to OOF we met at the Flagpole and decided to ride to Greisers in Easton for lunch.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

It's always sunny in ... Connecticut?

We were going to ride to OOF Saturday morning to celebrate my return but it was still below 30 degrees at 10 AM and nobody wanted to ride. I waited a few more hours and then I jumped on my Titanium bike and headed north for a little Vitamin D and Hill therapy on the route that I call the Middle Finger. My Garmin said it was 39 degrees but it was really more like 35 degrees. I was overheating on the climbs and freezing on the descents.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Last day in Chicago

I woke up to this Thursday morning and knew I would be riding Zwift tonight.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wednesday Ride after Work

I headed out from my Aunt's house at 5:30 and it was surprisingly still light out. I took the same route north as I did for Monday's ride only it was overcast and didn't look the same.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Will you be my Valentine?

Steven Tramposh, a founding father of the Newtown Lunartics was in town on business and texted me wondering if I wanted to get together for dinner. I had nothing to do so I told him to take a train out to the suburbs and I would pick him up and we would go to one of my favorite places in Chicago, Meier's Tavern. I even got him a Valentine's card as a joke.

We drank German Bier, ate hamburgers and caught up. He moved to New Jersey a couple of years ago and occasionally rides with us when he visits Newtown.

Monday, February 13, 2023

BCLC Monday Night Recovery Ride

On Monday evening I walked the dog early and gave her a big treat before heading out to Lake Bluff for the Bicycling Collective of Lake County's Monday night recovery ride. I had 45 minutes to ride 12 miles to get to the start of the ride and I am hammering the whole way since I left a little later than I should have.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Solo to Volo

Today's ride was aimed at riding somewhere new and getting as many new Wandrer miles along the way but on the roll out I had some synching issues with my lights causing me to stop and reset my Gramin. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Mom's Joke of the Day #699

Saturday turned out to be a glorious day to be on the bike as I headed out from Northbrook to Lake Bluff. Not a cloud in the sky and the temperature was hovering around 42 degrees - which is unheard of for Chicago in February!

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Zwifting in Chicago


My first day in Chicago I decided to ride Zwift in my Aunt's basement.  I brought my old phone in which I have an HDMI adapter for and I can run Zwift off it and onto my Aunt's 72 inch TV. I had to go out and buy a power strip and an extension cord because there are no outlets near the floor in her basement.

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Leaving on a jet plane

My Aunt, who I stayed with twice last year for two three week periods flew me out to Chicago to dog sit for her while she went on vacation. There was no way I was going to go out there and not ride so I started looking for a bike bag. A buddy of mine had a bag but he was leaving the weekend I was returning so that wasn't going to work. Someone offered me a bag for free which I gladly drove up state to pick up. I brought him a couple of four packs of his favorite beer from Counterweight to say thank you.

Thursday, February 02, 2023

 Happy Birthday Elliot!
My son turns 19 today.