
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

RC Ilumenati's Flat Night

The days are getting longer!

We needed a night ride and dine that was more than a few beers and pretzels in a parking lot. It was decided that we would ride from the Fairfield Train Station and then get wings after the ride at Archie Moore's.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Gravel: The answer to life, the universe, and everything!


I reached out to my brother-in-law Will and a few others to see if they wanted to ride Westchester Dirt Roads on Sunday. David and Will (pictured above) accepted, as well as a few others but then they bailed at the last second. I picked this route mainly for the distance, not wanting to go too far, since the last time I rode real gravel was in October.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Sun is Back!

Another OOF aborted ride attempt. Only, this morning it was snowing lightly.  Finally, it stopped and sun came out! Mike didn't have a lot of time so we opted for a ride from the Newtown Flagpole and afterwards we planned to get coffee at the Newtown General Store.  Tomas joined us two.  Once again I overdressed and dropped a layer before we headed up Castle Hill.

Friday, January 27, 2023

New Kit Day: Joseph and Technicolor Dreamcoat


I got this new thermal jacket over Christmas but it was kind of small so I sent it back for the next size up. It's from Twin 6 and I was very skeptical on whether it would be warm enough for anything below 50 degrees. The colors spoke to me but I still questioned the material.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Riding on a New Engloomy afternoon

Just another cold Sunday morning leading to another abortive attempt to ride to Oven's of France. I waited till noon to head out and since I was solo, I headed north with a vague idea of the route I wanted to ride.  I left my house thinking it was a lot colder than it actually was and by the time I was halfway to Bridgewater I had to shed clothing.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Welcome back Tadej and Dry January

Tadej makes his 2023 debut to the Ilumenati but requests that we do a flat-ish ride this evening because he was riding his gravel bike. The Ciocc was down for repairs.  The only problem with that was on Monday I had ridden down to Trumbull on the Rail Trail and it was really soft. I tried to come up with something flat.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

RC Ilumenati's NOMP Season Opener

Our fearless leader, Mat O, came out for this one along with John K and myself.  We started by heading south towards Trumbull so I could get a few more Wandrer Miles and then pushed north along our usual route.

Sunday, January 08, 2023

Lunch between the Lakes

It's cold again! There was a planned Lunartics ride for 9 AM this morning but it was below 25 degrees and no one wanted to brave the cold and that is the latest time you can leave if you still want a good selection of pastries at Ovens of France. The alternative was to wait until later, in this case 11 AM and ride somewhere else. Mike was the only taker so we met in Bridgewater and headed towards Roxbury.

Thursday, January 05, 2023

RC Ilumenati's first ride of 2023, SOMP


It looks like we are going to have two Season Openers for RC Ilimumenati. Tonights is a ride South of the Merritt Parkway and the next one North of the Merritt Parkway, and our usual riding area. To make this matters just a little frustrating for me tonight's ride started from the Gaelic-American Club and I am doing Dry January so there will be know Black and Tan's for me tonight. If I can abstain tonight then I won't have a problem going the full 31 days.

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Nice Weather brings out the nice Ass!


The mercury was in the 60's today so Scott and I headed out at lunch time for quick rip around town.

Monday, January 02, 2023

The Inadvertant Roubaix


Good thing I was on my Anyroad bike today because whenever you ride in Northwest Connecticut you are bound to hit a dirt road or two.  Mike and I started our ride from his place in Gaylordsville. Along the way, we saw Steve Levine ride past heading up to Front of the Mountain or Mud Pond.

Sunday, January 01, 2023

New Year's Day 2023 Account Opener

Happy New Year!

It's 50 degrees on January 1st and I am riding in bib shorts!
Woo hoo!