
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Where Eagles Dare: Lunartics last 2022 ride to OOF


The conclusion to another year of riding to Oven's of France amidst the Global Pandemic. With temperatures expected to hit 50 degrees today Marshall and I went with bibshorts, although it never really got above 45. 

Besides Marshall, Gavin and Scott joined for today's ride. We met behind the Foundry at 9 AM and headed off on the Trampy Route.

Friday, December 30, 2022

RC Ilumenati's Daytime Ride and Dine


From Left to Right: Scotty, John B, Me, Mat O, John K, Tadej
Photo Cred: Scott Davidow

This was a first, a daytime ride with Riding Club Ilumenati.  I rode down to Scott's house and we took the fastest route to the Easton Library, the usual starting point for our night rides.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day Ugly Christmas Sweater ride

Day after Christmas was a bright sunny day and I had to get outside instead of riding the trainer no matter how cold it was.  Scotty met me at the Flagpole and we did a ride outside my comfort zone - we overlapped! My mental routing OCD was going bonkers but it made sense and I need to more of this.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Continuing the Christmas tradition I went out for a ride Christmas Day. It was exceptionally cold today and I wore ski gloves with the bar mitts, a thermal hat, and started riding with the socks on the middle setting. By the time I got to town I was sweating but then it cooled off later when the sun went away and my gear choice was spot on!

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

RC Ilumenati Winter Solstice

 ... and ugly Christmas Sweater Ride.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

12 Hills of Christmas

... and ugly Christmas Sweater Ride

I got this idea from someone in my Tuesday night ride group who rode 12 hills last Christmas. I knew there were quite a few roads in Newtown with the word Hill in their name so I went about identifying all of them. Turns out, there are 38 through roads and three of them are dirt. I mapped all the roads out on a Google Map called Newtown Hills and then came up with a route.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Black Beard Ride

In anticipation of some snowy weather moving into the area Gavin, Scott and I decided to ride from Gavin's house on the Housatonic Rail Trail.  It was also Gavin's inaugural ride on his up graded gravel bike that we have yet to see him ride actual gravel on.

Sunday, December 04, 2022

Tour de Oof and Trampy's valiant return

Steven, aka Trampy, Tramposh (r), one of the founding fathers of the Lunartics was in town over the weekend and met up with us on our weekly ride to OOF.