
Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Brat Stop Revisited

Last year I rode to the Brat Stop on the recommendation from my Dermatologist and I decided to make it my big ride destination of this trip. Since Veterans Day was in the end of the week I decided I would do this ride on Friday, however, the weather boffins said Thursday had a predicted high of 75 degrees, which Friday was supposed to be 45 degrees. I switched my day off to Thursday.

Leaving my Aunt's house in Northbrook I rode north on Saint Marys

Got stuck at a grade crossing but it was only a passenger train

I got to Gurnee pretty quickly but when I saw this flag and the direction it was heading (due north) I knew there was going to be hell to pay after lunch

Last time I rode south through Gurnee so this time I tried a different route north

But sometimes the maps are incorrect and the industrial park doesn't connect to the residential neighborhood

A mini Napoleon's Death March ensued where I had to carry my bike through some hedges

Once out of town it was just straight roads

and then I found myself in Wisconsin.

Wouldn't you know it, like the last time the road that I wanted to ride was closed

I played through anyway because it was paved
and the construction crews didn't seem to mind either

Then I was in Heaven!

Cheddarwurst with everything on it, Sauerkraut, German potato salad and a PBR

As I mentioned earlier the headwind was so bad I decided to head towards the Des Plaines River Trail Greenway hoping that the trees might give me some protection from the wind 

I think it made a big difference.

The sun was nearly setting by the time I got back to Northbrook

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