Thursday, August 11, 2022


Heading out Thursday morning I checked the weather and it said no rain in Newtown so I decided to ride the reverse way to Greisers for a little Greis-n-Shine, a delicious egg, cheese and bacon sandwich with a cup of coffee. Greisers is a Lunartics favorite breakfast ride destination because it makes a great jump off point if you want to ride down to the beach or just ride back to Newtown and still get a 40 mile ride in for the day.

Just as I was about to start enjoying my sandwich I noticed dark clouds off to the west

Opening my weather app, apparently it was going to rain very shortly

I finished my sandwich but couldn't finish my coffee as the rain started

I got back on the bike in a light sprinkle and started riding home. It wasn't until I got to Rockhouse Road that the drizzle let up and it was dry for the remainder of my ride.

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