
Thursday, April 08, 2021

A 3 Handle Ride

The temperature on Thursday topped out around 70 degrees and it was too nice to pass up. I headed out on Just Good Beer wanting to get a 3 Handle because I took a rest day on Wednesday. Granted it was worth it because the last brake I took from cycling was one day off in mid March.

One of my riding buddies, Scotty D, has been describing his rides in terms of handles, so a 30 mile ride is 3 Handle.  Thus, a handle is 10 miles.  He got it from one of his riding buddies, Matt O, who knew a guy in real estate who used the term to describe the price of a house in terms of $100,000 as a handle. So a $400,000 house is a 4 Handle. I am wondering if it will catch on.    

To take this a step further, for those you who like to go big and ride a Century (100 miles), I thought it would be better to describe that as a Jug if you wanted to be different. Granted I think we all know what it means to ride a Century as well as what a Metric (century) is, too.

My 3 handle ride on Thursday was great. I ventured a little further south on the Single Speed to get those extra miles and I had to bake in a little side piece that took me on some dirt again. If you want to ride a single speed in Newtown and don't want to climb your routing options are very limited.

It was worth it because there were cows along the route and if haven't figured it out by now the Newtown Lunartics love visiting cows. Hard to believe our little suburb is so rual. 

I got home from this ride just after sunset but there was still plenty of light. Had I left earlier I would have stopped at the local brewery.

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