Just about all the Lunartics were present for this ride and it was a perfect Friday morning for a ride to our favorite French Pastry shop in Woodbury, CT. We started out riding in Pandemic TT fashion with one minute intervals but ended up catching up with one another on Transylvania Road.
I think I finally have my new wheelset on Bondye dialed in. Since I needed new tires I got a deal on tires and a brand new wheelset from Der Dacs. When I bought them, he said they were pimp, but as I found out when I got them home, the front wheel was out of true and the first tire was on backwards. Still they are a nice wheelset and while the old wheelset is still good, I now have a back up.

Ovens of France has a 2 person in-store policy and as Scott and I were buying pastry and coffee this woman walks in. I tell her about the policy, point to Scott and myself, and she gets all huffy and pissy and then walks out.

The make the best Almond Croissant in the world!

On the ride back to Sandy Hook I rode through some glass shards that I didn't see until it was too late and after crossing I-84 my front tire got mushy and I knew I had a flat. Changed out the tube and we were off again.
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