Another neighbor boy, Matt, who rides wanted to join Bucky and I for ride in the forest on Saturday after my trail work session on the Mulikin. I had contacted his mother the day before to ensure that he showed up to the ride with a helmet and plenty of water.
We headed up the rerouted Lower Mulikin Trail and then rode the rerouted section. It was rough and soft and clearly needs some breaking in. The up and overs on the rock walls, however, are smooth as butter!
The State Forester told me that someone had gone in and cut some of the trees after they were marked for harvesting. If you are reading this post, I can't stress it enough, but please do not cut anymore trees in the southern section of the forest. Please have some patience.
On the way back down the Mulikin and on the reroute the trail was still a little sketchy. Definitely need to do some more benching.
The state forester really needs to get some signs out about cutting trees. Pretty sure the mtbers who read your blog aren't the problem.