I got to the Easton Library earlier this time by changing a lot earlier and forcing myself out the door by 4:45 PM. I am going to have to try wearing my lighter thermals under my clothes next time. Today, however, seemed a lot colder than last week and that too was right before a storm. The first climb, up Flat Rock Road, took care of that.

This route has a few nice climbs in it as well as riding WILSON! in the other direction. When ever I ride WILSON! Road, I try and do my Tom Hanks impression of yelling WILSON! The only down side of this route is that you do have to ride 200 yards on Rte 136 with the traffic to get from WILSON! Road to Staples Road. On the way back you have to take 59 going south, which isn't that bad but then getting over to Everrett Road can be a little hairy.
Still, it's a good route for after work.
Still, it's a good route for after work.
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