
Friday, December 08, 2017

Do not leaf blow the trails at Upper Paugussett or any other trails else for that matter!

I saw this post on Strava today and I really wish people would take a moment and try to understand the impact they are having by leaf blowing the trails:

Actually, you are not awesome, in fact you are doing more harm than good!

It's really detrimental to the trails when this happens.  Leaves shed water and keep the treadway from soaking in all that extra moisture.  Trails at Upper Paugussett were so good you could ride them after a really good rain storm but now that they are uncovered people really need to let them dry out, now.  Not that many riders actually do that any more or seem to care.

If you don't believe me then checkout a few of these threads on MTBR:

The real price of leaf blowing

Here is an excellent video on why we do not remove leaves from our trails.

Yes,  leaves make it more challenging to walk, run or ride but by leaving the leaves on the trail makes them more sustainable in the long run.

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