
Saturday, June 03, 2017

TGIFat Amy

I had grandiose plans last Friday to ride 40 miles after work but I had to run an errand that took a lot more time that I wanted.  As a consolation prize, I threw the mountain bike on the car and headed over to George C Waldo State Park. It was windy on Friday and there were some blow downs that I took care of.

The Cujo, aka Fat Amy, was riding exceptionally well.  I run my tires at 20 psi and it just floats over anything and everything.  It feels like riding a full susser.  I just don't feel comfortable doing any big hucks.

You can't ride Waldo and not visit Lake Lillilonah.  Today was simply breath taking and had me longing to go out in my boat but I had riding to do. I usually don't ride up Extra Credit but I figured what the hell, it beats the fire road.  One thing I noticed is that it had purple blazes all the way to the parking lot. 


It took me 4 tries to clean the skinny on what I thought was called Thing Two but with the purple blazes the whole trail should be called Purple Rain.  I got confused with this trail a few times and rode it back and forth trying to get the flow of the trail. Right before the skinny on the way down again, while turning a corner I stalled out in some rocks and nearly didn't get my foot unclipped.  That's when I had the epiphany that I should probably start riding with flats again.  If I had fallen right then and there I would have easily broken my leg.

1 comment:

  1. I'm running Moby's 650B fat tires at 18. Think they could go even lower.


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