The ride up until this point with the Retroshifts was awesome! I like these so much more than bar end shifters. The main reason is that with the bar ends I find I have to trim my front derailleur quite a bit. Not sure if that is due to the fact that I have a crappy front derailleur or I have a crappy and old front derailleur. Trimming with Retroshift is so nice because my left hand never has to leave the hoods and I am always in control.
It was raining when I left the house but at least it was warm!
The only thing that I don't like about the front derailleur lever is the position it's in to shift to the big ring. I find that I have to twist my wrist more than what is comfortable in order to shift into the big ring. Guess I am going to have to try the other position and see how that works.
After my Bike Porno Shoot at the North Branch of the Pootatuck River the sun peaked out.
It only lasted about 15 minutes
Bike Commuter Selfie!
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