
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Last Bike Commute of the Month

The Give-a-Shit meeting was in the red zone this morning, especailly since I was leaving an hour later than I wanted to because Favorite Daughter woke up late and needed a ride to school.  Still, it was good none-the-less.

For the past two weeks I have noticed this vehicle parked on Glenn Road when I take my climbing route to work.  It's a beast and no one knows what it's doing there.  While it is definitely a monster truck it doesn't look like one of those that you see in the arenas.  With the seats in the back bed I would say that it was used for tours of the New Jersey Pine Barrens.

At the bottom of Castle Hill and in front of the Congregational Church is this memorial to all those that have fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Riding the The Goats, aka Retroshift, keeps getting better and better.  Shifting is so smooth and trimming the front deraileur without having to leave the hoods is awesome.  This morning's temperature was a little bit of a shock but I did pretty well in the wardrobe department and even though I was dressed for warmer conditions what I had on was just perfect.  Wicking T-shirt, long sleeved riding shirt and a riding jacket.  

Coming home was wet but it was only sprinkling.  Glad I didn't chicken out from riding today on account of the weather.  I am now over halfway to my first 1000 bike commuting miles.  I figure in six weeks or less I will break the 1000 mile mark, before the first half of the year.

NEMBA Trailfest Day 2: Benching

On Sunday, we came, we saw, we Benched!

This is on the South Park Trail side looking north east

Looking south west

The whole shooting match


Monday, April 28, 2014

Saturday's NEMBA ride Huntington

Here's a topo view of the new trail that was built on Saturday
After the build session we went on a 5 mile ride that included
the new trail, Hoochie Koo, South Park, South Pond, 
Rock & Roll and the Big Burn, five miles of awesome singletrack

There is always time for a #MountainBikingSelfie

We just rode the new trail and everyone was jazzed!

At the Big Burn there was sessioning

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Riders on the Trail

Who ever was working the other side of the trail sent these guys down it for the first time

They didn't do so hot on the spine line.
The guy on the green bike wiped, too

This corner proved troublesome
but when I rode through it wasn't that bad,
at least I never dabbed

Building New Trail at Collis P Huntington State Park

Additional pictures from Saturday's Trail Fest and Build
at Collis P Huntington State Park

Harold working on the Rusty Bed Springs Up and Over

The ladies were benching

Paula gives guidance on rock features

Found a near by BFR to ramp into this feature

The finished product, you can roll it or huck it!


Sweet Singletrack

More sweet singletrack

Berming project

The Gnome Berm


Great food


Back to work after lunch

Building more Singletrack

Spineline option

Location Map

Saturday, April 26, 2014

2nd Commute with the Goats: Perfection

Wednesday night I tried the other position for the front derailleur lever and found that I didn't like it because the lever was pointing to far out past the bars for the smaller front ring.  I called The Goats and they told me that I can take apart lever and adjust the post.  It took me 30 minutes to do so, and I had to call them back on one particular subject but eventually I got it moved two clicks and now the lever is in the best spot, for me at least.

Friday morning I set out on my 22 mile ride to the office and the first shift into the big ring was so smooth and effortlessly that I knew all the previous night's work was 100% worth it.

Trimming is so much better now and going into the big ring doesn't hurt my wrist anymore!

I love riding this bike

First Commute with the Goats

The ride up until this point with the Retroshifts was awesome!  I like these so much more than bar end shifters.  The main reason is that with the bar ends I find I have to trim my front derailleur quite a bit.  Not sure if that is due to the fact that I have a crappy front derailleur or I have a crappy and old front derailleur.  Trimming with Retroshift is so nice because my left hand never has to leave the hoods and I am always in control.

It was raining when I left the house but at least it was warm!

The only thing that I don't like about the front derailleur lever is the position it's in to shift to the big ring.  I find that I have to twist my wrist more than what is comfortable in order to shift into the big ring.  Guess I am going to have to try the other position and see how that works.

After my Bike Porno Shoot at the North Branch of the Pootatuck River the sun peaked out.

It only lasted about 15 minutes

Bike Commuter Selfie!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Earth Day Wet Ride Home

Headed out to the Polls Tuesday morning.  Temperature at the house said 49 degrees and for some stupid reason I overdressed so after voting I switched jackets and was a lot more comfortable riding to work.

During my 4 PM meeting today I looked out the window of the conference room and noticed it was drizzling.  Of course, I am on the wrong bike but not ever time is going to perfect.  As I was leaving the office I heard a Housatonic Railroad engine and it was pulling some cars past the office.  Couldn't see it because it's obscured the hill and trees but it was plenty loud.  As I was riding down old Hawleyville Road I saw the train coming so I rode over to the over pass on Farrell Road and waited for the train.

Train came and I went all Rail Fan as it passed



It never really poured but the road was wet and I got wet and the bike got dirty.