
Monday, June 24, 2013

Singlespeeding Pine Hill Park

While it might not be a destination riding location, Pine Hill Park is still worth the trip to Rutland to ride.  While it's up on a hill all the trails are built sustainable so there is little to no hike-a-bike trails.  What you will love about Pine Hill Park is the berms.  There are few wooden ones but it's dirt berms which are fantastic. There is also some interesting bridge work including a suspension bridge, a Japanese Garden bridge, and an hour glass style bridge, plus a few board walks that get you over nasty, muddy places!

The only drawback was the bugs.  Of course that is probably pretty much the same everywhere in New England with all the rain we have had in the past month.  Hitting it midday was good because there were very few people in the park so Glenn and I basically had the place to ourselves.  Surprised there weren't more skinnies but there were plenty of other technical features spread out through the park to keep you busy.

Glenn and I rode 11 miles before heading back to the lot for some bug spray and then we went out for and 6 miles to ride the suspension bridge we missed the first time around.  I would recommend bringing a map.  All the trail intersections are marked and a map will tell you where you are going to wind up by taking the next trail.  I had a map but lost it somewhere a long the trail.

For more information, check out their website:

Pine Hill Park

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