I seem to be stuck in this quandary as to how I should be set up to bike commute and at the same time use that same ride to train. By stuck, I mean juggling the schlepping of things needed for work (laptop, BlackBerry, wallet, badge, etc) vs going light as a possible.
Right now, I have it down to carrying everything I need in a triangle frame bag and a top tube bag on my Singlespeed, which is more of commuter bike.
On my Cannondale, I usually end up using old hydration pack, especially when I am not wearing a rear pocket jersey. Sometimes I will use the triangle bag as well. But I am thinking about getting a small top tube saddle bag for the geared bike to hold my camera, phone and Black Berry for commuting, stuff that I need to have easily accessible for the ride.
If I am riding with the laptop, then no extra miles because I try to take the quickest route home. Then again, I think by pushing myself to ride faster and more consistently on any ride I am turning the ride into a training ride. Maybe I should stop whining, chalk it up to Rule #5 and just try to make the most out of every ride.
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