
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Randonee de Roxbury

My wife's Brother-in-law was up from NYC this weekend and I took him up to the dirt roads of Roxbury and Washington, CT.  Temperature was funny, it was 38 at the house but very humid and seemed to make things warmer but knowing that the river valley would be cold I started out in full snivel regalia.  Will, on the other hand wore a lot less, including shorts!

We headed out on to the usual track for the Old Roxbury Rd climb as a warm up, then Upper Country over to the Moosehorn. 

Then it was Battle Swamp down to Judges Bridge

Up Shiner Mountain and down into Steep Rock Reservation

At the conclusion of this ride, the Qball broke the 2000 mile mark!

Riding the old rail road bed to the Tunnel and then through it.

Then we headed down to the Blue Barns and rode the lower section of the Shepaug Rail Road bed.

Then it was onto Mallory and some more monster climbing.  We bailed on the singletrack down to Squire because I wasn't sure where to go from there and we were running out of time, not mention Mallory kicked our asses.  So we just headed down Flag Swamp to South Street and back to the Market.

Outstanding day to be on the bike!

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