
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Please Sign the Petition!

City of New Haven, Police Department: Provide Regular Patrols of the Farmington Canal Trail!

We believe that projects such as the Farmington Canal Greenway trail are part of the future of transportation in New Haven. Attacks along the trail have caused commuters and recreational users to avoid it.

Isolated portions of the trail that limit access by patrol cars, and the numerous road crossings that require cyclists to stop pedaling, all help predators intent on committing a crime.

We believe that the best way to improve safety and thereby use of the trail is through increased police patrols of the trail, from it's start at Hillhouse Avenue to the city limit near Goodrich Street.

These patrols should be structured around the times that the trail is most used, (M - F, 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.) These are the times that most of attacks seem to have occurred. We would also highly encourage patrols in addition to these times to increase use and safety along the trail.

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