
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Old Saybrook & Old Lyme Monster Cross!

My wife and I celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary at the Old Saybrook Inn and she was cool with me bringing my bike knowing that I am an early riser and didn't want to be woken up come Sunday morning.  Wardrobe decisions for road riding are so difficult I think largely because it's still new too me so figuring out what to wear so that I don't freeze in the descents.  This morning it was around 58 deg and I wore a long sleeve, short sleeve jersey with back pockets and my wind vest and except for the end of the ride I never hot enough to take off the wind vest.

With the sun not even up yet, the view from the Inn this morning was incredible.


I caught the sun rising as I was climbing the Baldwin Bridge

The Bar View

My original plan was to loop around on 156 and then go north and ride back on Route 1 but I wasn't sure I had enough time so I continued on to Divine Wine and the Rocky Neck State Park Mountain Bike Trail Head as my turn around point.  I considered riding back on One Mile Creek but didn't have a map on me so I wasn't sure where it would come out so I just rode back to the bridge on 156.


Some outstanding views of the inlets along the road

Caught this Egret taking flight!

When I got back to the Inn, I still had 15 minutes to spare and wasn't quite at 30 miles so I continued riding towards Fenwick where I stopped to take a few pictures at the point.  Then it was off to breakfast with my wife and spend the rest of the day on the beach!


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