
Monday, June 25, 2012

On the Spot on Moose Alley

Moose Alley appears to be a favorite trail for all those riders who keep coming back here again and again and I would most definitely agree with them.  There is everything on this trail from technical sections, berms, rollers and hucks.

A full suspension bike would have been sweet but I was on my beloved Spot and it handled everything really nicely.  The steel frame soaked up a lot of the vibration I would have been experiencing on my aluminum hardtails.

There were still some climbs on this trail though and it took it's toll.  I hit my max heart rate a few times on these climbs and took a few brakes but what a fast trail, and people like to ride this other way, too?  Insane!

There was one casualty, however, Tim's deraileur must have hit something on the way down and was toast.  Chris rigged him up singlespeed but the slack chain caused major chain suck.

This led to leaving the links between the cassette and spokes, setting it up as singlespeed, only the links that couldn't be taken out locked the hub in place and Tim got the pleasure of riding perhaps the first, full suspension fixed gear mountain bike.  

Crossing over VT 114 we saw this banner that the locals wanted decorated.

So we obliged!

Up next, the conclusion of Friday's Ride, the trails in Burke Hollow.

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