
Saturday, October 01, 2011

Another Big Wheeled bike on the Gussy

Yet another ride at Upper Paugussett which marks the fourth visit this week.  I sought out this new cart road I found last weekend to see where it goes from the other direction and it's very encouraging that I now have a way to loop back onto the Gussy without having to leave the forest on trails and old cart roads.  It seems the popularity of the Gussy trail is increasing more and more.  Nearing the top of the trail with the yellow trail intersection I met a guy who had found the Gussy by way of this blog and he was rolling a Giant Talon 29er!  Boo Yeah, another 29er on the Gussy.  That's awesome.

It was getting dark and he was setting up his lights but we chatted for a few minutes.  He was working in the area, read about the Gussy on the Snack and was riding the trail for the second time!  He told me he had come across a hunter walking out of the forest that was looking for squirrels but it wasn't the infamous Hunter Dumper that I see often during hunting season. I hope to meet up with this Gussy rider sometime here, feel free to shoot me an email eatsleepfish at gmail, and I will show you some more stuff in the forest.  By the time I got home it had started rain and in a matter of seconds thereafter it was pouring.  I hope the new guy didn't get caught in that down pour.

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