
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday Morning Eye Opener: Bad tire choices.

After getting the diSSent set up with new shoes, WTB Exiwolf 2.3s upfront and Nanoraptors in the rear, a Facebook friend said to ditch the Exiwolf because it's really a western tire and not made for New England Singletrack but I had to see for myself.  In fact, a later recommendation from someone else said to ditch the Nanoraptors, too.  Well, it became evident in the Big Burn on the second up, a technical ascent and that I immediately lost traction on.

Blue Track is today, red is previous rides
If that first incident wasn't telling on the single track that cuts over to the blue trail from the big burn I lost traction again, stalled out and went down scraping my knee.  Then a little bit later, off the blue trail, headed towards the Mica mines on a trail that I never tried before my front tire slipped in the leaves and I went down.  This time hitting my knee on a rock.  Great!  Day before a race and now I will have a sore knee.

Despite the knee I still managed to have a great ride and rode 8.5 miles.  Everything is working great on the bike and I love riding it.  

Later during the day, I put the Rampage back on in the front and a Maxxis Ignitor in the rear.  We'll see how that does at Winny Woods on Sunday.

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