I was sitting at the Hawelyville Post Office waiting for it to open on Tuesday morning when I saw a recumbent go rolling up Barnabas Rd and being the bike geek that I am and I had a few minutes to kill I jumped back into my car and chased after the rider. I didn't catch his name but he told me that he rides to work every day from Bethel to Newtown and that he builds these trikes on the side. I think he said the trike is from Greensport.. Got to hand it to him, riding a recumbent on our roads is pretty crazy.
The bike has 16" wheels with disc brakes on the front wheels. Didn't seem like a safe design having to independently controlled disc brakes on the front wheels, and he had hydro to boot. I would have have cable brakes controlled by one hand and rear drum brake. Obviously you need a big flag such as what he is rolling with but I think I would have pole coming up from the back sporting a multitude of flashers and/or binkys on top of some flag. Still, really cool.
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