
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Reconstructing Lambert, Revisited

I picked up a threadless bottom bracket at my LBS the other day and decided to work on the Death Fork Sunday afternoon to see if I can get it ready to ride for this week. It turns out the Lambert cranks didn't work with the new Bottom Bracket so I replaced them some Sugino Cranks and I am staying with a 52:18 (75.9 gear inches) gear ratio.  Some may think that is too much for the hilly roads of Southwestern Connecticut but with the 23c tires and the overall lightness in this bike, it's perfect.

I also decided to go to both front and back brakes because I had some Dia-Compe bar end levers laying around and I inadvertently purchased orange brake cable the other day that I needed to use.  I guess I am of the frame of mind that if I have the parts I might as well use them and in doing so it will also be fun to try riding with a freewheel some time.

I wanted more OEM parts (Lambert) only come to find out that the brakes just don't have the reach I need for these wheels.  So, it looks like I am going to get side pulls off ebay.  While the spirit of the bike lies mostly with the frame there is very little else that is OEM from Lambert left on the bike.  Besides the frame, all I have on it that is original is the headset, seatpost collar, and the cable ties.  I think I will see if there is market for the rest of the bits on eBay.

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