
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Brodie's First Shoe

When I got home from work Tuesday, Katie and I started getting ready to go snow shoeing and that's when Brodie said he wanted to come too. I happened to have purchased a smaller pair of shoes for my boys to share thinking that my oldest son, Elliot, probably would not go for them but Brodie, the youngest and who is a lot more athletically inclined, would. He took to it like a fish to water.

Still the first time out was tiring for him and we did a little over a half mile.  We walked into the back yard to the base of the cliffs and then turned around.  At point I had to pull him along with my ski pole because he was tired.  It was dark, too, and he felt left out because I didn't have a light for him.  Now I have to get one of those for him, too.

The snow around my house right now still ranges from 2 to 3 feet deep but in most places it just everything that we got dumped on us in January compressed and frozen.  Going to try XC skiing this weekend and may even try for a Shoein' at Upper Gussy if I can find the time.

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