
Friday, January 21, 2011

diSSent on my third 29er

Head badge
I didn't by this frame for the head badge but it does look pretty cool.  I bought this frame after years of wanting one and finally after getting the opportunity last fall to test ride one I was convinced that this is the bike for me.  Features that sealed the deal include paragon style drops, 6061 aluminum, short chain stays and wheelbase, and price.  Normally a $450 frame, there was a special for $200 off!

Not waffling between SS and Geary this time.  This is a pure SS frame, although you can get geary drops but where you would put the cables?



  1. That is one freakin cool frame!

  2. Can't wait to see the final build...

  3. Glad you like the headbadge. I'm the guy who originally created it. I had an early 26" Misfit and the headbadge at the time was just flimsy metal. I loved the Misfit logo, so I made one out of cuttlebone cast pewter. I got two pourings out of the cuttlebone mold before it degraded, so I put one on my bike and sent the other to Peter as a present (he gave me a good deal on my frame). He got someone to make a real mold of the design and do a production run. Now it's on all the new Misfits. Makes me smile whenever I see one on the wild.

  4. It's an awesome head badge. Unfortunately, I just sold my diSSent. Hopefully, there is another diSSent in my future, only this time it will be an XL and Fe.


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