
Thursday, October 14, 2010

2010 NEMBAFest: 29er Porn

There were quite a few 29ers at this year's NEMBA fest, including quite a few demos but I got a few shots of the big wheeled bikes.  I love the color scheme on this Niner Rip9.  That is one hawt bike!

This is the first time I have seen a MisfitPyscles diSSent in the flesh and it's an awesome looking bike.  This was the guy who was on the ride with us on Saturday riding a 32:25 with a full face helmet on.

The ride leader for Saturday's Intermediate Ride was on a beautiful black Siren, rigid.  Bear Brook State Park was great for riding rigid.


  1. I've got another new bike to show you, I can't put it up on the 'net yet, but you'll be impressed

  2. email me a descript at eatsleepfish at gmail


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