I have never been twittered before ... does that mean I am a Twit? Crankfire.com, a Connecticut Mountain Biking website that is known for it's outstanding interface between GPS data and Maps has this contest going until September called The Great Data Drive. The Webmaster got Hydrapak to sponsor the contest and award participants who load the most data to the website with one of their Hydrapaks.
When it comes to GPS Data, I have gigabytes worth, so not only did I upload data that I thought was relevant, I also geotagged all my photos, and Quik-Wiki'd all the trails that I ride frequently. Of course, you get points for just about anything you do that makes the site more robust. In away it's a form of crowd sourcing and of course the best way to get a good response is to offer a carrot. Looks like I got the carrot this time, a Hydrapak Laguna.
Very nice. I've won a bunch of bike swag in online competitions over at http://singletracks.com
It's always a sweet feeling getting the notification that you won, and asking what address they can send the gear to.
Good times!
No way, what's your handle on ST? Mine is GreenGiant. I won a lock a couple of years ago.
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