
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Well, it looked like a bear

Maybe it was the second Growler (Drayman's) on Christmas Day, or was it the grueling workout just riding down the logging road with a hangover but I thought what I saw was a bear looking down at me. Of course bears probably wouldn't be out and about right now but it sure looked like one. I held still for a few minutes and then whipped out the camera and took the picture. However, it seemed too still.

Turns out it was just a stump with some dried beech leaves in front of it which made it look like light brown muzzle with a black head behind it. If it was a bear it probably would have took off long before I got to this vantage point, it would have certainly heard my bells.

Riding in these conditions were slightly better than my ride at Trumbull earlier this week. The overnight freezing rain and sleet made the previous tracks left by other mountain bikers on Christmas Eve tougher to ride in than just open snow. One thing that was certainly different, I felt, was the new tires. These Serfas Krest 9'er tires are really grippy and felt really nice. Can't wait to see what they are like in drier conditions.

Logging road looking south

Riding in the ATV tracks made it somewhat easier but the ride was still turning into a death march. Initially I thought I might ride up the Gussy and then see where I could go from there but riding up Sandford Rd with a fresh coat of ice, I decided to do the fire road first. On the way in, I ran into Jeff Pritchart who walks in the forest almost every day. He was just coming back out but said he was bush whacking all over the place.

Looking further north

The Soul Cycles Dillinger is a fantastic bike and might be one of the best bike purchases made to date. I love the power you get with the aluminum frame and while it can be a little punishing on the body without suspension the ride will only get better when I ad those components, too.

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