
Saturday, December 12, 2009

ATVs cause serious injury and evade responibility on the Larkin Bridle Trail

Larkin State Bridle Trail, October 11th 2009

Jody Dardis was riding her horse along the Larkin Bridle Trail when two ATVs entered the trail from a side path, directly in front of Jody. Jody's horse spooked, she became unseated and hit the ground. The ATVs did not stop, although they saw Jody fall from her horse. One of our own Volunteer Horse Patrol (VHP) members, Ken (Kowboy Ken) Forcier was also on the trail that day. Kowboy Ken encountered the same two ATVs further down the trail as they fled the scene of the crime. The ATVs did not stop or even slow down, one shouting to the other to "Just Keep Going!"

Luckily, Kowboy Ken was able to keep his horse under control as the two ATVs sped by. Kowboy Ken continued down the trail where he encountered Jody, who was on the ground seriously injured. Kowboy Ken called 911 which brought the local Resident State Trooper and an ambulance. Jody was hospitalized for five days due the serious nature of her multiple injuries. While Jody was in the hospital, she lost her job as a nanny of twins. Jody's injuries will require months of healing and physical therapy. Among the injuries Jody sustained was a broken arm which required the insertion of a steel rod. Hopefully Jody will regain her full range of motion in that arm. Jody's son has been doing all the horse-keeping as she still has difficulty moving about freely.

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is investigating the incident and has been patrolling the Larkin Trail on foot and with DEP ATVs. The DEP officers could use any information other trail users or neighboring property owners might provide. The Connecticut Horse Council is offering a $500.00 Cash Reward for information leading to the arrest of the operators of the ATVs. If you have any information please call the DEP Hotline 860-424-3333.

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