The night before I put a new chain on the 'Horse. I had meant to pick one up this week but I was working down in Shelton and never got to the LBS so I pulled one of your chain drawer that I thought was a 9 speed chain. I think it was an 8 speed chain because in most of the gears the chain wouldn't hold. I guess I should have figured it out the night before when I tried using a 9 speed master link but it wouldn't work. I was still able to ride and that was all that mattered.
I think I hit the majority of the Trail System. Except for a section of the Turkey Trot Loop I stayed away from the B2B or Bridge-2-Bridge Trail. Don't ride here without a map if you are riding here for the first time and if you are alone. I downloaded the GIF files to my Blackberry and thought I might have to use that but I also had a printed map that really helped.
Trails are either really buff or rooty and rocky. There is very little climbing and the biggest climbs of course go right up fall lines.
Lots of board walks crossing over streams and wet areas. Except for one on the orange trail past the Eklund Garden all were really solid.
Definitely have to return and try some of the trails that I missed. Of course, the next time I am bringing a rigid bike. Full suspension is overkill on these trails.
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