I don't think you can acurrately judge a bike's performance after 6 rides, unless you ride it everyday for a week on varying terrain and have an inkling of what you are doing. It's almost like their LBS got them loaded, sold them on the 29er, and now that they have sobered up they don't like it.
Here's a steel Jamis Dragon, that if I had it, I would call it the Green Dragon, and with an offer of free Candy. Now I know riding clipless is not for everyone but the fact that the pedals have toe clips is very revealing. The only people I ever see with clips off road are casual riders and not true lovers of single track. Rail trails, fire and dirt roads are perfect for clips. If you ride single track you are either clipped in or you are on platforms. Hence, further support to the idea that this guy took it up the keister from an unscrupulous LBS. Of course, he also could of gotten it online, too. Bicycle Bananas has it listed for $2,084. What he is selling it for, $600 from the listp plus what ever he paid to have it assembled. Here is the link to the ad if you want a closer look.

I saw that Bianchi, that's a decent deal (less the crapola fork). I also saw a Gary Fisher Grateful Dead MTB listed for $100 on one of the CT craigslists that has to be stolen..
Man, that Jamis Dragon was THE bike I wanted when I ended up buying my Niner. No one in the local area carried one. Of course, I didn't think to check Craigslist in Connecticut...
Yeah, something like that is worth at least $400. I have seen some hot bikes on CList before.
I have always wanted a Bianchi SS MTB, like the MUSS or PUSS but haven't found anything in my size just yet.
-p, you should have check Bicycle Bananas! They do a pretty good business on Jamis and Iron Horse. I always check there first but frankly I would rather buy from a shop so that I can get some trusted service and keep the economy going.
Crazy as it is, perhaps they'll finally end up in a good home somewhere where they'll be appreciated--and at a great deal (Just hope it's not the product of a five-finger discount kinda deal, right?).
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