Saturday, November 29, 2008
Black Friday, The Hammering Continues

Friday, November 28, 2008
Don't be a Puff Ball - GO RIGID!
- You have to be hardcore (according to the Urban Dictionary) to ride a rigid 29er which I believe that is what he means by Smashmouth.
- I am sure he would agree that Gears are for Queers (reference courtesy of Bikesnobnyc) with his statement: No girly shocks or gears here. Because only hardcore mountain bikers (and Cyclocrossers) ride rigid.
- I am not sure I would exactly agree with this statement: One-speed mountain folks are so tough, when they go to the bathroom, crowbars come out !! I do know my excrement smells like roses (and so does Jessica Simpson's flatulence) and is worshipped by the non-29er, full suspension riding community.

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day Massacre
At Sanford road, there was a pick up truck nestled in by the entrance which meant there would be atleast one hunter on the this side of the forest. Riding up the trail on the Qball was fun and except for one climb (shown below) in which three quarters of the way up I spun out on, everything was within easy reach. I was even able to ride up and an up-a-over the trail gnomes built this summer that I doubt that I could have done on the 'Horse in the lowest gear six months ago. All that fixie riding is paying off!
I tried it one year but didn't know anyone and wasn't really up to riding the river trail. Ended up riding that morning with some people that I knew and we hit the river trail on the way back. That is when I had my fall which I ended up with a cracked rib. My inactivity resulted in a blood clot in my knee, so I guess you could say I don't have very fond memories of this experience.
There had to have been 20+ vehicles parked at the boat ramp. Lots of bike racks and biking paraphernalia strewn in the backs of the pickups and station wagons.

Of course, you can never go wrong with Samuel Adams. I would consider it my beer staple along with anything from Harpoon and Red Hook.

Back up the trail, I saw more ATV tracks. My wife told me she saw a bunch of ATVs running up Hanover last Sunday and this is where they must have been riding. Basically, it looks like they came up the Fire Road and went down the Mulikin Trail. In fact they go all the down past the up-and-over and even went down past the rock wall and opened up the thicket but couldn't take it any longer.
I picked up a few Grunge Boards from Planet Bike because I had a gift certificate from Amazon.com. Put one the Qball and I have to say that it worked really well. The trails were a bit sloppy this morning and the Grunge Board kept the mud out of my face really well.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
We shall abolish the orgasm...
We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother.God forbid anything like this could ever happen in the near future and to make up for this perverse prose I hope you enjoy the cover of the 1983 Nishiki Catalog cover that I found on Yojimg.net. I think she beats the Colorado Cyclist Cover Girl. I haven't seen that catalog lately, I guess they have written me off. Afterall, of all the cycling catalogs I get, that has to be one of the most expensive. I chose this quote because it seems to me that frame in question originated in 1984 and I thought a quote from George Orwell would be fitting.
As for my quest to pin point the model year of the Nishiki unfortunately the interwebs were not fruitful for my Nishiki Cascade that I started working on this weekend. It was an exhaustive search that has led me to make some conclusions based on other clues from the frame and parts that I have found. From Bikeforums.net, in which I asked the general biking community for help what I got in return was a link to another forum post called the Nishiki Serial Number Database.
Code 4 - A forth code method was reported by Mike Swantak. His ’83 Centurion Le Mans 12 has a Sugino GT crankset, with the two letter code GC. This would appear to follow the method used by Shimano, where the G indicates 1982 and the C indicates March. This is supported by Dan Carlsson of Sweden, who writes: "I have a Sugino GS crankset with the codes "GC" stamped on the inside. This seems right, 82 March; I believe the crankset is from an 1983 year roadbike.

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Nishiki Cascade
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Friday Fix: New York City!
Yesterday I had to travel to NYC to visit a software vendor and get some extra training on the application that I am installing for a couple of business unit within my company. Hopped on the 6:52 out of Sub-rural-urbia headed to New York. Where the branch line hits the mainline there was some delay that kept the train standing still for about 10 minutes. Conductor informed us over the loudspeaker that there was a train that they were waiting for that needed to clear the platform in front of us.
We regret any inconvenience you may have experienced as a result of this incident and thank you for your patience.
This last bike, not at all a fixed gear or even singlespeed rig, rather an extra cycle and the first time I saw one live. Definitely made for carrying big loads. The Mundo Cargo Cycle is from Yuba Cycles.
Again, locking the bike in front of GCT seems to be following a trend only the seat is not locked. I guess gel seats are not a highly soft after item on the bicycle black market.
Since this bike can fit three passengers and was pretty clean looking I wonder if this was another commuter bike for someone riding out to the Burbs to work?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
29ers on Craigslist in NY, NJ & CT

Frequent diners of the Snack may recall an earlier post involving this same bike model, a Motobecane, being proffered on Fairfield County Craigslist. I find it interesting that the seller hasn't mentioned some of it's finer points, like the 42:16t gear ratio or the fact that it seems most SS (Singlespeed) 29ers are rarely configured solely for SS but this one is and what that means is if you are not man (or woman) enough to ride SS then this bike is not for you because you can't easily convert it to gears. I also like how the seller mentions that the bike retails for $795 at your local bike shop but you can get it at bikesdirect.com for $399.

It's got some really fine components but the first question I would ask the seller is how much it weighs. If it's around 21 or 22 lbs then it might be worth taking a look at. Still, an EBB, eccentric bottom bracket - enables you to the vertical drops and still have chain tension when riding SS, is not my cup of tea.

There are definitely some great deals out there right now and then there are some that are really outrageous. For example this one:
Litespeed Obed 29er Medium/Large - $4300 (Stamford, CT)If it's really new and hasn't been tested out on the trails of Mianus then it probably is worth the asking price or something close to that. I would like to see a picture of that bike. The only thing though, is if you are going to spend that kind of money on a 29er then you might as well go full suspension.
Reply to: sale-923548237@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-11-17, 10:12PM EST
Litespeed Titanium Obed 29er in size Medium/Large...XT build kit...Manitou Minute 29er fork is amazingly responsive...this bike is brand new...never ridden...would normally retail for $4800, this bike weighs about 24 lbs...serious inquiries only...
cash/local only
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Bike Props
The bikes pictured above and below are found at the Animal Kingdom. My guess is that most of them came fromt he US except for the one at the bottom. Those steel brake levers seem characteristic with bikes found in many Asian countries.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
1992 Bridgestone MB-5
Sub-rural-urbia received a little dusting of snow last night and I really wanted to do a RbW (Ride before Work) this morning but I went to bed too late last night to even consider getting up at 5:30 AM to ride. Waaah! Not to mention, it was below 30 degrees this morning. Waaah! I didn't charge up my headlight battery. Waaah! Excuses, excuses. Going to try tomorrow morning regardless of temperature.
Anyway, the Dump Fairey paid another visit last night. A 24" wheeled FS big box store POS that I want to rebuild for my daughter, a ladies bike, not sure of the manufacturer, it was too dark to see what it was, mostlikely another POS, and what looked like a fairly old styled mountain bike. The last bike, appeared to be a good condition so I pulled into the garage for a closer look and it turned out to be a Bridgestone MB-5!
I have read a lot about Bridgestones and was hoping that this bike could potentially be a classic bike. From what I know about these bikes, however, upon surfing the interwebs I learned that it is unfortunately not from the Bikeforums archive I found this comment:
The MB-5 was a DeoreLX/DeoreDX equipped bike I believe and depending on the year, retailed for around US$550. A very fine mid-level bike.
I guess if it were truly a good bike such as the MB-1 or -2, the owner would have realized the value of the bike and hold on to it or at the very least put it up on CList. Alas, like the Peugeot, which at first I thought might have been the highly prized PX-10 turned out to be the more mass produced consumer US model (still made in France, if that is any consolidation) UO-8. However, it's still a nice bike and if you query the Fixed Gear Gallery for Bridgestone, you'll find a few of the MTB versions of the frames have been converted to nice fixed gear rides. So, it looks like I have my next project lined up.
Question now is, what year is this bike from? From what I can fathom, it's from 1992, according to the venerable Sheldon Brown. The catalog goes to great lengths to explain the difference between over bar vs underbar shifters and they say the 1992 MB-5 is speced with the overbar shifters. However, this bike has underbar shifters. However in a previous catalogue, they talk about how much better underbar shifters are for racing. So I guess I conclude that this bike was set up racing.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Riding in Circles
Riding in Circles from Mark on Vimeo.