
Monday, September 29, 2008

Last Ride ... after work!

With daylight, that is. Since I didn't ride Sunday I rode after work on Monday and as you can see by the shot below you can see how muted the light is now in the forest. In fact, in the image below I lightened it up so that you can see some a feature of the Gussy Trail that needs work. I think this section will need to be benched in sections because where you can see the darkest points that is essentially wet soil.

The only problem with benching is that the pitch is so shallow there only direction water might flow is down the trail itself. Might have to consider rerouting this section. Going to have to look at it at the next trails day, which is a little less than two weeks away.

Took a shot of the switch back. Lots of leaves down yet there is also a lot of green still up. Didn't see any hunters, either on the trail or cars in the lot. Still, I wore a blaze orange long sleeve T over a wicking a shirt to be safe. I was hot but I felt better that I could be seen. The spot where I endo'd on Saturday rides much better now that I fixed it.

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1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I've given up on after work rides for the season. That's always the worst part about fall. cyclocross and Halloween being the best.


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