Saturday, May 10, 2008

She's one of the two best states in the Union. Vermont's the other*

Here is tasty treat that someone forwarded me last night which speaks volumes for mountain biking in New England:

Some excerpts:
For five days I joined riders from the New England Mountain Bike Association, traveling through the thick forest of their mountainous backyard. I was keen not only to test my mettle on the rocky, root-crisscrossed trails, but also to see how riders work with the United States Forest Service and others to maintain access for bikers.

We are getting there but this is nirvana:

“The mountain bike community in the White Mountains is alive and well. The nice thing about it is you can get as involved as you want,” Ms. Huemmler said. “Everyone brings something to the table, and not necessarily trail work. Some make delicious meals, drive, organize events, lead rides, do bike repair ... it all goes smoothly without any pressure to do more.”

* quote by Robert Frost

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