
Monday, March 13, 2006

Two mapping projects

So, not only am I now officially the map maker for the Upper Paugussett Trail but the deal I am working on for the Cockaponset SF is starting to take shape, too. On Crankfire, I found a cool little tool some college student is working on that is really good for sniffing maps out, check out: Satellite Photo Compare. Of course, what I really like about this already is that its like a wide screen version of terraserver. Granted, its a little slow at night.

Rode in the Paugussett again, on my new loop, which is about 3.6 miles. If I don't stop to move dead fall around I think I can run the whole course in about 45 minutes. What will be really cool is where this trail pops out is where the Multi-use trail would begin, which would give me a six plus mile loop through the forest. There are still a few loose ends in the one section before you get to the switch back that crosses over the stream. It appears that the road/trail might go further down the hill but I can't find where it would connect back up with the old road again. I recall seeing some old trails coming into Al's trail.

One thing that stinks about all the wet weather and the general thaw is the mud. Fortunately for me, riding the Polly Brody forest road doesn't contribute to any erosion and neither is there any impact at all to my other forest road that I have been riding but getting there on Sanford Road is another story. Sandford is mud city and naturally that kicks up an coats my camel, me and my bike. So, I thinking about getting fenders for the AC. Definitely going to put them on Trek but I am getting sick of the mud. They might look geeky but who cares about fashion when you are riding?

A funny thing to note, I came across the legal definition or political definition of Mountain Biking today: Off-road bicycling. It just sounds so phony and seems to make it trendy.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Hey there Mark,
    Stumbled across your references to Polly Brody forest road.
    Would like to contact you.
    Email me:
    Please provide a return address.
    Have a special connection with that forest tract!


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