So, I am hammering down the back side of the hill in the Upper Paugussett on my on one of my logging roads on Tuesday and then there was a *CRACK* and then my chain had all this slack in it. Looking behind me I see my rear derailuer hanging an inch from the ground. Curses! Snapped the rear hanger. Of course, all I could say to myself was perfect timing. My Open Space Task Force meeting started at 4:30, I still had to get home, shower, and then drive down to Peck's Land. Had to hop, coast and run home. Of course I was in a quandry, drop my bike off at Brookfield Bicycle Center to get it fixed or go to the meeting. Hadn't been in a while, so I went to the meeting.
Dropped off the AC on Thursday to get fixed and asked to have a Bash Guard put on, too. I don't think I have ever switched into the upper gears but the teeth on that chain ring were getting worn down from the rocks that I was hitting all the time. Makes, sense. So, I get the bike home and riding around in the driveway, I notice that its not shifting right. Called them up and they said tighten the L screw, then losen the H screw, now tighten the H screw ... did that and it sort of helped.
Back out on the trail on Friday and the Grannies were slipping big time. Made it up the hill on the Polly Brody but it was close. Rode down the logging trail again and this time tried to pile some rocks on the big tree to make a roll over but I need more rocks for something decent.
When back to the bike shop on Saturday and they fixed me up right this time. Next time, always test the bike before leaving the shop. I think this was the second time this has happened.
Pushed Crankfire at the bike shop on Saturday, too. Shawn said he checked it out but didn't join. I think another guy, that I was talking to, did join up but haven't see any input from him yet.
On Sunday, I rode some Newtown open space. I rode up the hiking trail down the road from me, got about 3/4 of the way then I gave up. The road links up with an old road that eventually spits out onto Butterfield. The owner of the property on Butterfield, John, said I could ride on his property. Looking closely on the map, it almost looks like there is an old road that heads down the back side of the hill towards Pond Brook.
Rode on a trail off Butterfield on more of the Town's Open Space but the property just ended. Had to push the bike back up the hill. Rode down Georges Hill, this hill is steep! Rode a little on the old Shepaug line bed but turned around when I hit a mass of No Tresspassing signs belonging to the resident of 31 Pond Brook Road. Need to introduce myself and see if I may ride on his property. Sunday's ride was actually 6 miles.
Will post maps shortly.
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