If there is time in the morning I like to try different routes to and from work. Today I tried West Street to Boggs Hill and I found it to be really fun and will definitely do that again again! If I had left a little earlier and didn't have my laptop with me, I would have looped around Collis P Huntington State Park and now that I think about it, I need to try riding the Fredmobile through Huntington sometime, too.

Thomas Steinert-Threlkeld was killed a couple of weeks ago when a motorist cut him off in the intersection. This caused Thomas to loose his balance and fall into the path of an oncoming car and subsequently died as a result of his injuries. The motorist who cut Thomas off fled the scene.

According to the News Times here is a description of the person who cost Thomas his life:
Either a silver, medium-gray or dark-gray sedan with tinted windows, possibly an Acura. Witnesses also provided police with a description of the car's driver, a white or Hispanic man in his early to mid-20s with a medium build, thin facial hair along his jaw line and an ear ring in his left ear. He was wearing a white T-shirt at the time of the crash.
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